What are Vitamin B12?
Have you felt unusually tired and lethargic? Have you noticed your skin has become pale? Are you experiencing heart palpitations? Those signs may indicate vitamin B shots could benefit you.
Why Choose Vitamin B12 Shots?
People love vitamin B12 shots because they can help dramatically improve energy. They can also help:
- Boost your immune system
- Enhance your mood
- Increase your ability to concentrate
- Improve your quality of sleep
- Speed up your metabolism
How Do I Prepare for Vitamin B12 Shots?
Schedule your appointment and let your provider do the work! Vitamin B12 shots are an incredibly quick, easy, and convenient treatment that require no preparation in advance.
What Should I Expect During Vitamin B12 Shots?
Getting a vitamin B12 shot is no different from any other injection. You may feel a slight pinch with needle insertion and / or burning sensation. It’s quite tolerable, and most report it as virtually painless.
When Will I Feel Results From Vitamin B12 Shots?
Vitamin B12 shot results are fast. Your body begins making new red blood cells within 48 to 72 hours after your injection, at which time you can start to feel the positive effects.
Am I a Good Candidate for Vitamin B12 Shots?
If you have a vitamin B12 deficiency, you are likely to benefit from vitamin B12 shots. Most patients qualify for this simple injection.
Where Is the Best Place to Go for Vitamin B12 Shots in Fairfax?
Trust the professionals at the office of Dr. Jae Kim. We know what works and can guide you toward the best treatments to help you reclaim your energy and improve your quality of life. If you’re interested in learning more about how you can benefit from vitamin B shots, we invite you to contact us today at (703) 782-3003 to schedule your consultation!