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Jae Kim, MD

How Much Recovery to Expect with a Deep Plane Facelift

How Much Recovery to Expect with a Deep Plane Facelift

A deep plane facelift can provide you with the refreshed, youthful appearance you desire. However, it is essential to understand how much recovery to expect with a deep plane facelift.

In this article, we will describe the recovery process week by week.

How Much Recovery to Expect with a Deep Plane Facelift Each Week

If you’ve been contemplating facial rejuvenation surgery, you likely want to know exactly how much recovery to expect with a deep plane facelift. Here’s a look at what each week of your recovery may entail.

First Week of Recovery

After deep plane facelift surgery, a patient is required to stay in the hospital for one night. During this time, the nurse monitors the patient’s vital signs and offers medication to manage pain and discomfort.

The patient must then lie in bed with their head elevated and regularly change their compresses for several days. Swelling, discomfort, and bruising are typical, so the patient is expected to have sufficient rest.

Second Week of Recovery

Swelling should recede significantly in the second week, but there may still be some mild discomfort. Patients can start to apply warm compresses to ease inflammation, but only if their doctor approves.

You can also start gentle morning walks around your home to encourage blood circulation, but you should not engage in any strenuous exercises.

Third and Fourth Week of Recovery

At this stage, the bruising and swelling should have gone down considerably. Some residual bruising may persist, but makeup can cover it effectively.

In addition, you are able to engage in more activities and increase the speed of your walks.

Within the fourth week of the operation, you can start a light workout program that is gradually more strenuous.

Fifth Week of Recovery

When it comes to how much recovery to expect from a deep plane face lift, you’ll be pleased to learn that the fifth week is when you will notice a more dramatic shift in your appearance. However, you will still have to manage a little puffiness while your face adjusts to its new structure.

Patients typically appreciate the full outcome of their surgery in a few more weeks.

Schedule a Deep Plane Facelift Consultation

To schedule a consultation for a deep plane facelift, please call our office today to make an appointment with Dr. Kim.
