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Jae Kim, MD

Best Facial Plastic Surgeon in Ashburn Virginia

Choosing the Best Facial Plastic Surgeon in Ashburn, Virginia

If you’re considering having cosmetic surgery on your face, choosing the best facial plastic surgeon in Ashburn, Virginia is critical to ensuring optimal outcomes. In this post, we’ll discuss five dos and don’ts to follow when selecting a top-notch specialist.

What Procedures Do Facial Plastic Surgeons Perform?

Facial plastic surgeons are trained and qualified to perform a variety of procedures aimed at enhancing the appearance of the face and neck. This may include facelifts, rhinoplasty (nose surgery), blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery), brow lifts, chin implants, and more.

Additionally, they may also perform non-surgical procedures such as Botox injections and dermal fillers to achieve desired results.

5 Do’s and Don’ts of Choosing the Best Facial Plastic Surgeon in Ashburn, Virginia

DO: Check the Surgeon’s Credentials

When looking for the best facial plastic surgeon in Ashburn, Virginia, it’s important to ensure that they are board-certified and have specific training and expertise in facial plastic surgery.

DON’T: Base Your Decision Solely On Price

While the cost of the surgery is a significant factor, choosing a surgeon solely based on their fees is not wise.

Remember that you will be trusting the provider with your safety and appearance. Hence, prioritize quality over the price tag.

DO: Look at Before and After photos

A successful track record is a key factor when choosing a facial plastic surgeon. As such, sure to ask for before and after photos of their previous patients to see the quality of their work. This will help you determine their skill set and if you have similar aesthetic preferences.

DON’T: Ignore Your Instincts

When it comes to finding the best facial plastic surgeon in Ashburn, Virginia, your gut instincts are an essential part of the decision-making process.

If a surgeon makes you feel uncomfortable or you have concerns about their capabilities, trust your feelings and look for another surgeon.

DO: Consider the Surgeon’s Communication Skills

Communication is critical when choosing a plastic surgeon.

You want a doctor who is approachable, listens to your concerns, and communicates clearly. They should provide answers to your questions and explain the surgery process clearly, using language that you understand.

Schedule a Facial Plastic Surgery Consultation

If you’re concerning facial cosmetic surgery, please call our office today to schedule a consultation with one of our highly skilled and experienced facial plastic surgeons.
